“There was a bug inside of the house and she safely brought it outside. Who does that? Oh yeah, she’s good at writing.”*****, SisterofChristian929”She always has the perfect response to my many Hinge suitors.”***** ,TheBestFriend21
”I can count on her for the right ‘your,’ or ‘there,’ Plus, she always knows right where the comma should be.”*****, Friend _who_hates writing
“She caught a typo on my junior year class president posters before many people saw them. She literally saved my reputation.”*****, Cheerleader123”
My college English professor said it was the best, most creative short story he’s ever read in all his years teaching….wish we were still together.”*****, ForeverExBoyfriend
“Her words are so powerful, I’ve put them on my fridge for as long as I’ve known her.”*****, Mommylovesyou321
“Life just wouldn’t be the same without her words…”*****, ArtPartnerWife
“There was a bug inside of the house and she safely brought it outside. Who does that? Oh yeah, she’s good at writing.”
@ SisterofChristian929
“She always has the perfect response to my many Hinge suitors.”
@ A_GOODFriend21
“I can count on her for the right ‘your,’ or ‘there,’ Plus, she always knows right where the comma should be.”
@ Friend _who_hates writing
“She caught a typo on my junior year class president posters before many people saw them. She literally saved my reputation.”
@ SomeCheerleader123
“Her poem, ‘No Vacancy’ moved me so much…I got it tattooed on me, literally.”
@ BestFriend_since_1stgrade
“My college English professor said it was the best, most creative short story he’s ever read in all his years teaching….wish we were still together.”
@ ForeverExBoyfriend
“Her words are so powerful, I’ve put them on my fridge for as long as I’ve known her.”
@ Mommylovesyou321
“Life just wouldn’t be the same without her words…”
@ ArtPartnerWife
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