Copywriter. Journalist. Storyteller. Poet.

Young Lions 2020

Cancer remains the #1 cause of death by disease in children, yet it gets only 4% of federal funding. That’s why CureSearch is on a mission to solve this by funding, cutting-edge research to improve survival rates and reduce toxic late effects of treatment in pediatric patients.  But they have a problem too, their donors are faced with over 1,000 pediatric cancer foundations that support research needs, buy lack the focus CureSearch promises.

So, for the print competition, we created a print ad to stop donors in their track: a giant spider made out of cancer cells that shows the type of fear these children face. We can expand this campaign to other things that children are scared of, like clowns, using different cancer cells.



The digital competition had the same goal: get more corporate donors to donate to CureSearch. So we used the channel corporate folks use the most, Linkedin, to show them just why CureSearch’s focus on nontoxic methods affects the people in their network.
