Copywriter. Journalist. Storyteller. Poet.

Dos Equis


People were eager to get back to college football post pandemic, and Dos Equis was the official sponsor of the season.

But there was one problem: the pandemic put wedding season on hold.

So in the Dos Equis spirit of never settling, we found two super Texas A & M fans, whose wedding was postponed because of Covid, and married them on game day at a tailgate behind Kyle Field.

We announced the couple with a tweet, inviting fans from all over the country to toast the couple by giving a way free Dos Equis beer.

We needed someone to marry them, and didn’t pick just anyone. Fox Sports personality Charlotte Wilder got ordained just to wed the couple and posted it for her fans to see.

We kicked it off the night before the big game, with a rehrseal dinner at a local bar and In Aggie tradition, went to the iconic Midnight Yell.

We filmed content all night, and edited and uploaded in a trailer behind the field, so we could tell the story in real time.

The couple got married right before kick off. Our local influencers, who were real wedding photographs, bartenders, and DJs, captured content of the day and posted on their social, getting more people to hear about the Dos Equis Tailgate Wedding. The bridal party, in full wedding attire, went to cheer on their team where the Aggies won and the newlyweds drove off into the sunset in the Dos Equis Chevy El Camino.

In just 3 days we filmed, edited, and launched:

10- :15 Instagram Stories

2- :06 OLVS

2- :15 OLVS

1- Longform wedding video

1- Wedding website



The Dos Become One Tailgate Wedding took the internet by storm:

42,947 Sweepstake Entries

467,710,000 Impressions

33 pieces of media coverage

1 award

And 1 happy couple